Sunday, April 27, 2014

U.S.S Lexington in Corpus Christi

My name is Andrea Vasquez and For my local history project I chose to do my research on the U.S.S Lexington or as most people call it the " Blue Ghost". The Lexington has always been a significant place for me,because of  the respect that my family has instilled in me for the military. This all started when my grandmothers brother moved from Mexico to the United States to specifically sign up to join in the military. Since then my aunts and uncles have followed with the same desire to protect our country. Conducting my research for my history project will be packed with many visits to the lovely Lexington, interviews with family members and friends that have worked in the Lexington, and research in the public library for more information about the Lexington. I hope to inform others on the beauty within the Lexington and also to answer questions peers have about the Lexington. The Lexington is one of the many significant places that Corpus Christi has to its name and I hope to bring its importance out through this project. 

Corpus Christi Historical Marker

Our team finds the first historical marker by the Court House. Before it became the Court House, it was one of the first schools that taught Mexican American children in Corpus Christi.