Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Corpus Christi's History Projects

As we come to an end in the Corpus Christi History Projects we walk around the classroom and look through each students website, and we get an understanding on how significant Corpus Christi really is. When I looked through some of the websites and poster boards, I honestly did not think Corpus was this significant. I learned a lot about our city that I have never heard or seen before. Our of the 81 students, I chose two to review. I chose Stephanie Weitzel, her Corpus Christi project was over Elihu Harrison Ropes.I learned that Ropes had a dream to make Corpus Christi into a water port and major tourists area. Although many of his projects were left due to money problems, he did contribute to a lot to Corpus. Another students project I reviewed was Alyssa Jerideau's over her local church Providence. Alyssa's project was significant because her church has showed how even back then till now they still base everything around their god. To her community and family, Providence has impacted their lives. I would have to say that The Corpus Christi Project
as a whole was a great experience for every single one of us.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Historical Marker: Artesian Park and Sulphur Well

For one of our historical markers we were required to chose a marker that relates to our history project. I looked and looked and I did not find one that relates to the USS Lexington. I decided to pick another marker that I found interesting and wanted to learn more about. This marker signify's the park to be one of the earliest in Texas to be given to the public.

Historical Marker :Elihu Harrison Ropes

I chose Ropes historical marker because in class we read about Ropes but I wanted to learn more about him.  Ropes had big goals when first entering Corpus Christi . Ropes wanted a deep water gulf built and a railroad that ran from the port to the lower Rio Grande. Even though most of the ideas that Ropes had wanted were never put into full affect. His potential left Corpus to become more industrial.

Adventure into The Lexington

So I decided to show you some of my pictures I took while I was at The Beautiful Lexington. I have been at this place plenty of times, but every time feels like the first. I love coming to The Lexington. 

This car was for use on the ship to transport people and to train soldiers 

One of the many planes on the ship

This is the Commanders State Room it was really small but it had a lot to it

The victims of the USS Arizona 
I found this part to be fascinating! 

This is how confined the Juniors Quarters bunks were

This was the Junior Officers Quarters or as they called it "Boy's Town". It was the bunk rooms
and also it was a lounge area that contained a game board. 

I would have to say I loved being in the brig!
It was used as a mini jail inside the ship.
This part of the ship talked about the many other ships that helped
during World War II.

This was the entrance before entering the actual ship
I thought the view from the deck of the boat was beautiful here

If you look closely you can see me behind the large propeller

Construction of The Lexington Project

After a long journey of investigating the history behind The Lexington, my research has come to an end. I really enjoyed the time we were able to have to research into depth about a specific part of Corpus Christi. Leading to the final part of my investigation I realized that there was a lot more information about the Lexington that I never knew of until I did my research. The gathering of information for my topic was probably the most difficult part of this whole project just due to the fact that its very time consuming. The organization, and especially making every detail of it perfect just took the longest. I would have to admit that putting my presentation board was the most difficult part because it had to be PERFECT!! If it was not perfect I would have been so upset, but I got it to my liking eventually. 

This is a picture of me working on the organizing my pictures for my presentation board:

In my next post I am  going to have a variety of the pictures I took while I was at the Lexington !

Continue My Journey Into The U.S.S Lexington

I have not been posting along the way through my research of The Lexington because I have been so concentrated on putting information together and how I can present my information in a creative way. At first I thought a website would be a great idea, I can post a video I made and also my pictures. That idea ended up to be a flop. So I went with my second idea, making a collage of the Lexington and incorporating information I have learned about within it. I skipped going to the Public Library and went straight to the actual source.I learned a lot that I did not know before and it totally surprised me. I learned that some parts of the ship were used in the film for Pearl Harbor , The Lexington was the first carrier to hold the Navy Training Carrier and the Auxiliary Training Carrier designations, and it also has sailed a total of 209,000 miles; it is equivalent to eight times around the world. During my research I did not really have any moments that I felt like I was stumped or upset. My research was simple and at the same time the best learning experience ever.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Journey Into The Research Of The U.S.S Lexington

Through this wonderful, challenging history project, I found out a lot more about the U.S.S Lexington. I have gone to the library and checked out some books that provided information about The Lexington. I also have talked to my mother who used to work there about her experiences in contributing to the Lexington. When all my information is set, I will create a visual representation that will describe what the Lexington is and its impact towards Corpus Christi.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Buc Days

The first Annual Buc Days opened up in 1938. It consisted of five different bands, 15 floats a pageant and ball. 

Buc Days now celebrates its 77th year of an on going tradition. Buc Days was formed to mark the beginning of the Summer Season. The Bucanner Commision's created Buc Days to add glamour and excitement to the event by building it around the city's history. 

Buc days is an anuual event that many families attend for the rides, parade and mostly bonding with family. For the time that I lived in Corpus Christi I have only attended Buc Days once, yes I know its sad. So I decided to to talk to my moms friend Anna Villarreal and ask her about her experience on Buc Days. Anna remembers the times when her family would camp out waiting for the parade. They would cook food, play on the rides and most of all eat tons of funnel cakes. Her family enjoyed Buc Days, it was the one time out of the year that her family  would just relax and enjoy the atmosphere of Buc Days. She is a big Buc Days fan because she loves how this event brings families closer and how our history of Corpus is incorporated. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

U.S.S Lexington in Corpus Christi

My name is Andrea Vasquez and For my local history project I chose to do my research on the U.S.S Lexington or as most people call it the " Blue Ghost". The Lexington has always been a significant place for me,because of  the respect that my family has instilled in me for the military. This all started when my grandmothers brother moved from Mexico to the United States to specifically sign up to join in the military. Since then my aunts and uncles have followed with the same desire to protect our country. Conducting my research for my history project will be packed with many visits to the lovely Lexington, interviews with family members and friends that have worked in the Lexington, and research in the public library for more information about the Lexington. I hope to inform others on the beauty within the Lexington and also to answer questions peers have about the Lexington. The Lexington is one of the many significant places that Corpus Christi has to its name and I hope to bring its importance out through this project. 

Corpus Christi Historical Marker

Our team finds the first historical marker by the Court House. Before it became the Court House, it was one of the first schools that taught Mexican American children in Corpus Christi.