Sunday, June 1, 2014

Continue My Journey Into The U.S.S Lexington

I have not been posting along the way through my research of The Lexington because I have been so concentrated on putting information together and how I can present my information in a creative way. At first I thought a website would be a great idea, I can post a video I made and also my pictures. That idea ended up to be a flop. So I went with my second idea, making a collage of the Lexington and incorporating information I have learned about within it. I skipped going to the Public Library and went straight to the actual source.I learned a lot that I did not know before and it totally surprised me. I learned that some parts of the ship were used in the film for Pearl Harbor , The Lexington was the first carrier to hold the Navy Training Carrier and the Auxiliary Training Carrier designations, and it also has sailed a total of 209,000 miles; it is equivalent to eight times around the world. During my research I did not really have any moments that I felt like I was stumped or upset. My research was simple and at the same time the best learning experience ever.

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