Sunday, June 1, 2014

Construction of The Lexington Project

After a long journey of investigating the history behind The Lexington, my research has come to an end. I really enjoyed the time we were able to have to research into depth about a specific part of Corpus Christi. Leading to the final part of my investigation I realized that there was a lot more information about the Lexington that I never knew of until I did my research. The gathering of information for my topic was probably the most difficult part of this whole project just due to the fact that its very time consuming. The organization, and especially making every detail of it perfect just took the longest. I would have to admit that putting my presentation board was the most difficult part because it had to be PERFECT!! If it was not perfect I would have been so upset, but I got it to my liking eventually. 

This is a picture of me working on the organizing my pictures for my presentation board:

In my next post I am  going to have a variety of the pictures I took while I was at the Lexington !

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