Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Corpus Christi's History Projects

As we come to an end in the Corpus Christi History Projects we walk around the classroom and look through each students website, and we get an understanding on how significant Corpus Christi really is. When I looked through some of the websites and poster boards, I honestly did not think Corpus was this significant. I learned a lot about our city that I have never heard or seen before. Our of the 81 students, I chose two to review. I chose Stephanie Weitzel, her Corpus Christi project was over Elihu Harrison Ropes.I learned that Ropes had a dream to make Corpus Christi into a water port and major tourists area. Although many of his projects were left due to money problems, he did contribute to a lot to Corpus. Another students project I reviewed was Alyssa Jerideau's over her local church Providence. Alyssa's project was significant because her church has showed how even back then till now they still base everything around their god. To her community and family, Providence has impacted their lives. I would have to say that The Corpus Christi Project
as a whole was a great experience for every single one of us.

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